RealMetricsAZ, LLCValuations you can trust from Wes McDaniel (Certified General Appraiser) and Brian Lovejoy (Licensed Residential Appraiser) For years, mortgage lenders and consumers, as well as other real estate professionals doing business in Arizona, have depended on RealMetricsAZ, LLC to provide high-quality value estimates on residential and income real estate throughout the state. By continuously keeping up with local real estate trends in the markets they serve, and staying current on valuation techniques through accredited courses, appraisers Wes McDaniel & Brian Lovejoy have consistently delivered reliable home valuations for our clients. Call us today at 602-363-7106. Need a Valuation?We provide valuations on residential property such as:
Why Choose Us?How do we do more in less time and keep our prices affordable without sacrificing quality? The answer is: Process & Technology. Our process allows us to move at maximum efficiency while taking the necessary time to make sure our work is solid and the data backing it up valid. And above everything, we know the importance of personalized customer service. You'll be treated with the utmost respect throughout the course of working and communicating with RealMetricsAZ, and it all adds up to an unbeatable experience for our customers. We look forward to working with you. Call us today. |